Framework for the completion of the final dissertation of the DMS

During the eighth semester, the students of our department may choose to write a non- mandatory dissertation on a subject which is relevant to the modules of the programme of studies. In the case where the student chooses to complete a dissertation, then this will replace three (3) elective core modules. In the case where the student chooses not to write a dissertation, he or she is obliged to enroll in three(3) additional elective modules of his/her division. Additionally, no dissertation may be completed during the student’s participation in the Erasmus+ programme.

As far as the subject of the dissertation is concerned, the student may come to an agreement with the professor of the Department who teaches the module related to the topic.

The dissertation is completed individually and constitutes an independent scientific and systematic approach and analysis of a subject. It is documented bibliographically and deploys the knowledge and skills acquired during the student’s studies.

  • Each faculty member may supervise up to fifteen (15) dissertations annually
  • The subject of the dissertation must be relevant with the  teaching tasks and research interests of the supervising professor.
  • the same topic may not be assigned by the professor in the course of the same year

During  the process of selection of students by the professors, the following criteria should be met:

  • the outline of the dissertation which the student will complete as well as the interview-communication with the member of faculty,
  • the number of modules of the student’s division which he/she has successfully completed, in combination with the grades,
  • the completion of other assignments is considered positively , as is  the participation in any other research programmes.

The procedure for the submission and dissertation support is as follows:

The students who are interested communicate with the members of faculty of the department so that before the commencement of the spring semester, the dissertation topic may be approved and a professor may be assigned by the general assembly of the DMS.

The professors are members of the faculty of the department, as is specified by  current legislation who then forward the related submission of the dissertation, which is to be approved (with a Greek and English title), as well as its supervisor to the assembly meeting of the department.

In the case of graduating students who wish to write a dissertation, the aforementioned procedure is followed once more with the respective approval of the topic and supervisor by the general assembly of the DMS before the commencement of the following semester.

The submission of the dissertations to the supervising professor must be completed one month before the beginning of the upcoming exam period.

Dissertation support may be provided until the last day of the current exam period and also during the September examinations.

Submission of grades is completed by the professors before the deadlines which are set by the academic calendar of the Department.

Finally, after the dissertation support, the student is obliged to follow the designated procedure, numbered (79/05/2017, topic 6.1) decision of the Senate of the Institution according to which the obligation to submit grey literature presumptions to the library, in print, is no longer mandatory. Conversely, electronic submission of the presumptions to the Institutional Repository “Ellanikos” is obligatory. Access to the contents of the undergraduate and postgraduate assignments is involuntarily open, due to the adoption of a policy of open access on behalf of the University of the Aegean.