Single person and collective bodies as well as administrative service units are responsible for running Universities in Greece according to Law 4957/2022 following its amendment.

The Governing bodies of the Department of Mediterranean Studies are:

  1. The Department Assembly
  2. The Chair of the Department
  3. The Vice-Chair of the Department


Department Assembly

The Department Assembly consists of:

  1. the Chair of the Department,
  2. the Vice-Chair of the Department,
  3. all faculty members of the Department,
  4. one (1) representative from each category of the members of Special Educational Staff, Laboratory Teaching Staff and Special Technical Laboratory Staff of the Department, as long as there are members of these categories and
  5. student representatives representing fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of members of the Department Assembly from (a) to (d), with a minimum representation of one (1) student per study cycle, as long as the Department organizes study programs for all three cycles.


The Assembly mainly has the following responsibilities:

  • It outlines the general educational and research policy of the Department and its development course in the context of the policy of the Faculty and of the University.
  • It proposes the Department’s development plan to the Dean’s Office.
  • It draws up the Department’s Internal Regulations and submits them for approval to the Senate of the University (Higher Educational Institution).
  • It compiles the Department’s subject register.
  • It compiles the register of internal and external electors for the election and development of the Faculty Members.
  • It draws up and submits for approval to the Dean’s Office the annual recruitment planning for Faculty members. according to the educational and research needs of the Department and ranks the academic subjects to be announced in descending order of priority.
  • It draws up and submits for approval to the Dean’s Office the annual recruitment planning for members of Special Educational Staff, Laboratory Teaching Staff and Special Technical Laboratory Staff according to the needs of the Department.
  • It awards the completion certificates of the study programs organized by the Department.
  • It assigns postgraduate students to carry out auxiliary teaching work in first cycle study programs and PhD candidates to carry out auxiliary teaching work in first and second cycle study programs of the Department.
  • It grants scholarships of excellence and return scholarships to the students of the Department’s study programs.
  • It exercises any other duty provided for in the internal regulation of the University.



Department Chair and Vice-Chair

Election process

A full-time Faculty Members, of the rank of Professor or Associate Professor, is elected as Chair or Vice-Chair of the Department for a term of two (2) years.

The following are not allowed to run for the position of Chair or Vice-Chair: a) those who leave the service due to reaching the age limit during the term of office of the post which is announced and b) those who have been elected for four (4) terms, consecutive or not, in the position of Chair of the same or another University (Higher Educational Institution) Department.

The announcement of the elections for the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Department is carried out by the Dean of the Faculty to which the Department belongs, at least three (3) months before the end of their term of office. The notice defines the procedure and the deadline for submission of candidacy applications, the date of the election process, the repeat date if there is a tie and other details regarding the election process.


The Chair of the Department mainly has the following responsibilities:

  • Heads the Department and supervises its smooth operation.
  • Participates in the Senate and the Dean’s Office representing the Department and recommends to the competent bodies of the University (Higher Educational Institution) issues related to its needs and operation.
  • Convenes the Assembly of the Department, presides over its work, draws up the agenda, appoints a rapporteur for the Assembly’s subjects if s/he does not propose the subjects himself/herself and ensures the execution of its decisions.
  • Forwards the opinions, proposals or suggestions of the Assembly of the Department to the competent bodies of the University.
  • Forms committees to study or handle specific issues within the Department’s competence.
  • Supervises the maintenance of the registers of scientific publications of the Department.
  • Draws up and approves the annual report of the Department’s actions, which it submits for approval to the Department’s Assembly and forwards it to the Dean’s Office, the Senate and the Administration Council of the University.

CHAIR: Ntalis Sotirios, Associate Professor
VICE-CHAIR: Stefanakis Emmanouil, Professor


Μembers of the Assembly of the Department of Mediterranean Studies of Academic Year 2022-23:


  1. Seimenis Ioannis, Professor
  2. Magliveras Konstantinos, Professor
  3. Sakkas Ioannis, Professor
  4. Karantzola Eleni, Professor
  5. Frantzi Katerina, Professor
  6. Syropoulos Spyridon, Professor
  7. Stefanakis Emmanouil, Professor, Vice-Chair
  8. Kousoulis Panagiotis, Professor
  9. Georgallidou Marianthi, Professor
  10. Kotzoglou Georgios, Associate Professor
  11. Ntalis Sotirios, Associate Professor, Chair
  12. Maris Georgios, Associate Professor
  13. Stribis Ioannis, Assistant Professor
  14. Nikolou Kalomoira, Assistant Professor
  15. Mina Maria, Assistant Professor
  16. Markopoulos Georgios, Assistant Professor
  17. Kaili Hasan, Assistant Professor
  18. Drivaliari Androniki, Lecturer






Those who are on legal leave do not participate in the sessions of the above Body.



Competent bodies for the establishment, organization and operation of the Postgraduate Courses and the organization of the Doctoral Studies of the Higher Education Institutions in Greece are:

  1. The Senate of the University
  2. The Assembly of the Department or the Study Programs Committee in case of an Interdepartmental Postgraduate Course and the Special Interuniversity Committee in case of an Interuniversity Postgraduate Course
  3. The Coordinating Committee of the Postgraduate Course
  4. The Committee for Postgraduate Studies
  5. The Director of the Postgraduate Course

The Administrative Bodies of Postgraduate Courses and Interdepartmental Postgraduate Course of the Department of Mediterranean Studies are:

  1. The Assembly of the Department
  2. The Coordinating Committee of the Postgraduate Course / Interdepartmental Postgraduate Course
  3. The Director of the Postgraduate Course / Interdepartmental Postgraduate Course
  4. The Study Programs Committee of the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Course

NTALIS SOTIRIOS, Associate Professor, Chair of the Department of Mediterranean Studies
Contact info: Tel: 2241099337, email:, “7th March” campus building, 1st floor, Dimokratias 1, Rhodes 85132

STEFANAKIS EMMANOUIL, Professor, Vice-Chair of the Department of Mediterranean Studies, Director of the Postgraduate Course “Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean”
Contact info: Tel.: 2241099340, email:, “Kleovoulos” campus building, Ground floor, Dimokratias 1, Rhodes 85132

NTALIS SOTIRIOS, Associate Professor, Director of the Postgraduate Course Governance, Security and Development in the Mediterranean”
Contact info: Tel.: 2241099337, email:, “7th March” campus building, 1st floor, Dimokratias 1, Rhodes 85132

SYROPOULOS SPYRIDON, Professor, Director of the Postgraduate Course “Ancient Theatre: Educational and Literary Approaches”
Contact info: Tel.: 2241099341, email:, “7th March” campus building, 2nd floor, Dimokratias 1, Rhodes 85132

FRANTZI KATERINA, Professor, Director of the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Course “Analysis & Teaching of First & Second/Foreign Language”
Contact info: Tel.: 22410992331, email:, “7th March” campus building, 2nd floor, Dimokratias 1, Rhodes 85132