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The SIMS-SS dating software


Downloading of the latest version of the SIMS-SS dating software in executable form (sims_ss.exe).

Because the software was developed in Matlab, if you haven't installed Matlab in your pc it is highly recommended before the running of the SIMS-SS software to install the Matlab's MCR (It is also available in this page). MCR (Matlab Component Runtime) is a stand-alone set of shared libraries that enables the execution of software (.exe) created in matlab at pc's without Full Matlab installed.


SIMS-SS software: Click here to start receiving the latest version of the SIMS-SS dating software.
Matlab's MCR: Click here to start receiving the Matlab's MCR.

The use of the software is freeware but it is kindly requested, every use of the software or the on-line tool to be accompanied by a reference to the present website and/or the relevant paper literature.


SIMS-SS Screenshots with useful comments in labels

Figure 1. The initial window of the SIMS-SS dating software.


Figure 2. In the First Step, the user enters (in the appropriate box) a polynomial found elsewhere and by clicking the fit Coefs to calculate the first derivative, or to ask the program to calculate a polynomial by entering the order of the polynomial and click the Fit order button. The plot 1D buttons plot the first derivative versus the data point and not the depth.


Figure 3. In the Second Step the user calculates a new fit (and also a new first derivative) from the beginning of the SIMS profile until the data point that corresponds to the peak of the first derivative of the initial fit. This procedure is repeated 3-4 times until to reach the very beginning of the profile or derivative without a peak. In each repeat the end point is the data point that corresponds to the first derivative's peak calculated latest.


Figure 4. In the Third Step, the user enters for Start point the data point that correspond to peak of the latest calculated derivative of step two and for end point the data point that corresponds to peak of the initially calculated first derivative of step one.
By clicking the Lin.Reg. button, the program calculates the successive Linear Regressions in the area indicated by these two numbers. The result is a graph of slope values versus data points (Figure 3 in the page The Method).


Figure 5. Having found the start and end data points of the Saturation Layer, by using the Fourth Step the user calculates the Saturation attributes Cs,Xs,Ci.


Figure 6. Folowwing the calculation the e^k value by entering the Cs and Xs saturation attributes in the appropriate fields of Fifth Step, enter all abovementioned parameters in the appropriate fields of Sixth Step and click the Calculate age button.
The parameters needed for the calculation are: Csur, Xsur, Cint, e^k and the four (a, b, c, d) polynomial coefficients



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