Φαντέλ Ιμπραήμ Fadel Ibrahim ,Ph.D. in History (1998)University of Ioannina, Greece Dissertation: The Image of the Byzantines in the Arabic Epics .Diploma of Greek Language (1990)University of Athens, Greece .B.A. Degree of Arabic Language and Philology (1985) University of Damascus, Syria . Instructor of Arabic language University of Athens, Greece . Instructor of Arabic Culture and Civilisation University of Aegean, Rhodes, Greece. Examiner of Arabic and Aramaic language National Scholarship Foundation of Greece (Ι.Κ.Υ.). Instructor of Arabic language in secondary education, Syria . Instructor of Arabic language In School of Further Education and Training/Police Academy of Athens, Greece .


Monographs :

1. Grammar of the Arabic Language (in Arabic), Damascus, Syria, 1989.
2. The Image of the Byzantines in the Arabic Epics (doctoral dissertation), Ioannina, Greece, 1998.
3. Arabic Inscriptions from Cyprus (edition and translation) in Vassilios Christides, The Image of Cyprus in the Arabic Sources, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2006, pp.113-120, and Arabic summary of the book, pp. 197-202 .


1. “Alexander the Great in Alf Layla wa Layla (Thousand and One Nights)”, Graeco-
arabica VII-VIII, 1999-2000, pp. 129-35.
2 .“The shalandi ship” Βyzantine and Arabic Sailing Ships 7th-13th cent., Athens-
Oinousses 2001, pp. 48-50.
3. “The kitab ‘ajaib al-hind: the book of miracles of India” in Aspects of Arab Seafaring,
Athens 2002, pp. 107-117.
4. “Pro-byzantine and anti-crusader attitudes in the Arabic epic of ’Antar” (in Greek,
translated in Arabic) in Cultural Relations Between Byzantium And The Arabs,
Athens, 2007, pp. 65-73
Participation in scientific conferences:
1. Eighth International Congress on Graeco-Oriental and African Studies “Sea Ports of
the Mediterranean”, Chios-Oinousses, Greece (5-9 July 2000).
2. Ninth International Congress on Graeco-Oriental and African Studies “Navigation and
Trade in the Mediterranean, 7th-19th cent.”, Neapolis, Greece (26-30 June 2002).
3. Twelvth International Congress on Graeco-Oriental and African Studies “Hellenism
and the Arab World”, Delphi, Greece (7-10 May 2009).
4. Tenth International Congress on Graeco-Oriental and African Studies “East and West: Antagonism and Coexistence from Medieval Times Until Today”, Kryoneri Attica, Greece (25-28 August 2005).