This postgraduate course (GG 1930/17.07.2014) will be accepting students for the academic year 2014-2015, and will award a master of arts in “Linguistics of the Southeastern Mediterranean”.
Students with a Bachelor’s degree from the same university (direct entry) can enroll in this postgraduate course, as can graduates from all Greek universities of a relevant field of study: philosophy, humanities, educational, social and political sciences, economic studies and Area Studies. Likewise, graduates from recognized overseas institutions as well as graduates from Technological Educational Institutes of a related field are accepted.
The duration of this postgraduate course is set to three semesters.
The number of students admitted to this course, per academic year, is restricted to a maximum of 35 participants.
Course and syllabus design
The total of ECTS credits needed for the completion of this master of arts amounts to 90 credits. In the first and second semester, students are expected to satisfactorily complete three (3) obligatory taught modules and two (2) elective, from the three (3) available modules offered per semester. Each module counts for six (6) ECTS credits. The third semester is dedicated to writing a dissertation (30 ECTS). The languages in which the modules are taught are Greek and English and the schedule is as follows:
First semester
Module Code and title
Y-1 Grammar and grammatical phenomena of the Mediterranean languages (ECTS 6)
Y-2 Teaching a second/foreign language and educational technology (ECTS 6)
Y-3 Language policy and language programming (ECTS 6)
Elective Modules (2 of 3)
E-1 Language contact of the Turkish language (ECTS 6)
E-2 Typology and issues in semantics (ECTS 6)
E-3 Lexicography (ECTS 6)
Total of ECTS credits: 30
Second semester
Module Code and title
Y-4 Corpora and identities (ECTS 6)
Y-5 Corpus processing and application (ECTS 6)
Y- 6 Dialectical variety and morphological-phonological phenomena (ECTS 6)
Elective Modules (2 of 3)
E-4 Literacy policies and adult education (ECTS 6)
E-5 Issues in Arabic (ECTS 6)
E-6 Issues in Hebrew (ECTS 6)
Total of ECTS credits: 30
Third semester
Writing a dissertation (ECTS 30)
Contact details:
Tel: +30 22410 99348